B2A bass mfg date

my B2A serial is 8706955
any indication as to when it was birthed?
is there a dedicated Hohner America bass group
my first bass was my cousins Beatles Hohner!

I’ve enquired at Hohner Service about when and where it was built and will reply here when I hear back from them. There seem to be quite a few people who confuse Hohner with Höfner though, the Beatle Bass was made by the latter company.

Hohner Service says this B2A bass was manufactured in Korea in 1987

Steven, thank you for that. Is there a recommended parts or service contact on USA East Coast, Atlanta Georgia?

I’m not sure of the service situation in the USA. You could try contacting KHS-USA in Nashville, but to the best of my knowledge, Hohner no longer sells parts for these instruments. I reckon you’ll have better chances if you seek out a Facebook group or similar social media forum. The B2A basses are still very popular and there is bound to be a forum for afficionados. Let me know if you find one, quite a few people here would be interested.