I love the Crossover being my first Harp after reading about them! I’m looking at what to get for get for a complete set when I need one. I’m still enjoying learning notes, chords, and getting bent on me harp
Well you bought the Best!
You might consider trying a different model, like the Marine Band Deluxe or the Rocket. Like your Crossover, each are high quality Hohner instruments. I bet you’ll enjoy them too.
Thanks Steve, love the crossovers!
My pleasure, glad you like!
Been a while but here it goes. The Crossover has it new sound i like to call a rock harp. Full body quite a new spin on this modern harp . Its awesome for a few different styles. I am know using only SP 20s . Overall for me in the Studio or live the Special’s are constantly in tune and melodicaly in pocket. Same sound all the time. Also the resest design alows easier breathing room all sound no air. BULLET PROOF. ITS not the top of the line like the Crossover which is The Les Paul of harps . Different strokes different folks.
You’re a mind reader. I do like the MBDeluxe and Rocket. I prefer a wood comb, so the Deluxe is one of my favorite models. The Crossover withe the bamboo comb plays beautifully too.