Hohner Professional Series L59 in Ebony

I bought this used several years ago and do not know much about it. What I do know is it heavier than my gibson les paul, it has Kent Armstrong Pick ups and plays and sounds fantastic.
Any info regarding dates of manufacture (there is no serial number , I assume there was originally a sticker) woods used and country of manufacture.
Here’s some pics

Thank you in advance!

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Hey Fergyuk. Looks amazing and in good shape. Have you checked out the information on the L59 in our list of historical models yet?

L59 guitars were made in the 1980ies and 1990ies. Unfortunately, a more specific date is not possible without the serial. Thanks!

Thanks Kristin, I’ll check the link out. :+1:

First, I’m aware this is an old thread . I figure maybe my reply can help Fergyuk or maybe another L59 owner. I have one of the early “violin” brown ones with the fancy inlay in the headstock. I have an image of a catalog page from 1986 showing my inlay style. So it’s a safe bet that Fergyuk’s guitar was made after that year.

As you can see in his photos the strings don’t line up well with the poles on the pups. (I’m glad for him he likes the sound OK.) The magnet was broken in my original neck pup, so I put in Kent Armstrongs too! M213K neck; M214K bridge. They sounded good, but the bad pole alignment bugged me. I had a Gibson “top adjust” bridge (the one with no holes in the top, but 3 positions on each end) in my parts drawer, so I drilled holes through the ends (just under 6mm) and adjusted them with a Dremel Moto, and the strings are over the poles! Since the string spacing is wider by around 2mm, I wondered if it would fret out. Nope, the neck is wide enough. Lastly, I was concerned the heavier bridge would dampen or deaden the sound, but the opposite is true - the sound improved, both unplugged and amped.

Hope this helps someone.