Where is my Serial Number?

I assume my model is SE35? I cannot find a serial number anywhere. This guitar was used when I took possession in 1982. I was told it was a late 1970’s build. I’ve looked under the pick guard, in F holes, truss rod, and headstock. I see the word Hohner on the back of headstock. But, nothing stamped or paper anywhere. Can anyone guide me to model, date, and build location? I appreciate any help and guidance. Thank You! I have additional images if they are helpful. As a new member could only upload 1.

It’s not an SE35, it’s a much rarer HG-860. Japanese made, late 70s or very early 80s. Morris/Moridaira were the main contractor for building Japanese Hohners but they subcontracted work to multiple other factories. Given their expertise in building hollow and semi-hollow guitars, Terada Gakki are a likely candidate for the builders of these. Terada still exist and last I heard were making all the Japanese-built Gretsch Professional range guitars.

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Thanks. This is helpful. It’s nice you hear it is a little more rare. I don’t plan to sell but I’d love to know build date. I’ve done a little more searching on those builders. Not getting a lot of info specifically about my model. But, i will keep hunting

Even if there was a serial number, they’re usually not helpful for dating Japanese Hohners. The 800 series guitars weren’t in the 1979 Hohner US price list but they are in the 1980 price list. So if you bought yours in 1982, it was probably made in 1980 or 1981.

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Thanks Phil, your expertise is always welcome!

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